My lovely Toaster .

My toaster was a bit of an extravagance when I bought it, but I was fed up with the endless number of toaster that has been and gone which only ever toasted 3/4 of the bread ! This fab toaster toasts all the bread. However it broke down and I returned it to Dualit to be repaired as this amazing company repairs it items instead of having to throw them away and buy new! A good idea! So I fully expected to be billed for my repair but a few days later it was returned to me free of charge and no charge for the repairs either. So my recommendation is get one of these beauties!!

Farming - Raking, bale hauling, and mushroom compost hauling.

A day of housework today. Also chasing escapee sheep! Just love them! Oh and the next hatching of chicks is any moment. Exciting times!

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