And I'm thinking about home..and All that it means
So tonight i have been entertaining myself on Ebay.
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If you search for something, under "advanced search" and select "Best offer" You can find things which are up for sale for a Buy it Now Price, or you can make a best offer.
I love old Post Cards of my home town, so I search for these. Now there are some idiots who have postcards for over ten pounds!!!!
I refused to pay more than £3.50.
So I take their £10, or their £12.50 or £14, and give them a best offer of £2.00 and slowly increase to £3.25
They hate me they really do. But I always leave a wee note saying "thank you for indulging me.... .One day... one day..."
The picture - my Ballast banking.... this is the picture i was looking for tonight. See my extra - My photo was taken from the bottom left hand side of that picture.
I'm having a thought that I will stage a series of photos which are updated versions of the postcards
This postcard, used to be mine, and I sold it - I'm not buying it back though.... It's £12.
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