Assorted keps

I woke at 3.40 am and didn’t get back to sleep so felt a bit rubbish all day. However we had the van to sort out for our trip away tomorrow, and I had lists to write. You can’t go away in a van without monster lists of stuff to do to it in preparation, not to mention stocking it with food this time as we have to self-sufficient.

I have knitted an assortment of hats which I’ll give for Christmas presents - if I remember the safe place I put them. I have managed to use up lots of leftover wool which is very satisfying.

#2 daughter says all the butterflies have hatched. The boys are so excited.

All the children have had their school report cards. They are all doing well and were happy at school. They were even able to find encouraging and positive things to say about James, hurrah!

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