The kind of top drawer, first rate chums I attract
Today is Si's "Jackversary"
It's the day he left home and joined the Navy, many, many years ago.
How delighted were we when someone who joined on the very same day, put up a photo on Social media expressing the joy of it being the anniversary of the best of days.
Si has no photos of his childhood, or teen years, no passing out photos - nothing.... other than a five or six his Aunty passed on to him - faded memories of a wee boy in a baggy jumper and a dirty face.
So when this photo appeared; there was a face we recognised; but one I didn't know. He's so young. He's got a crew cut which is growing out. The things I did recognise - the beer and the white top,
Awwww and here's the thing - he's ten years younger than Tooli is now in that photo.
When I look at him - that' s how I still see him (through the beard).
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