Scrap Or 'Grapes'? ........ That Is The Question.

I headed out early to one of those cheap German shops this morning before the great unwashed were up and about.
I won't be doing that again anytime soon - the aisles are not wide enough to maintain social distancing and there is no one way system ..... and even with almost nobody in the shop these inconsiderate sods make it impossible to get around safely.
I was in their for 10 minutes and it was 9 minutes too long.

I got home and headed to the garage, but stopped for a chat with my foreign neighbours and their gorgeous daughter  who was desperate to tell me that she was going to go to her friend Molly and they were going to draw pictures on the pavement with chalks. She even drew me a picture of a truck to show me (she told me it was a truck, so it must have been). 
They are going to Hungary in 3 weeks for a family wedding and not looking forward to the travelling. His parents are also heading back to Lebanon at the end of the month. Apparently the situation there is not great but their (extended) visas are ending so they have no choice but to go home. Very worrying for them all.

When I did get into the garage I made a 3 piece spinning top and the box. All the wood came out of the box of scrap and I am rather pleased with the way they turned out.

We got a visit from Bags and co. late morning so that our son-in-law could try and work out why SWMBO and I have phones which were not connecting to our wi-fi (they would connect to everyone else's and the wi-fi supplier was less than helpful on the phone ...... typical overseas call centre).
It was a worthwhile visit because he managed to get everything working again  (it is good to have an IT consultant in the family) and we got to see the monsters and catch up on Bags and how things are going with her new job.

The picture in the extras box was the other shot that was a contender for todays blip ....... the Mahonia at the front door - also known as the Oregon Grape.

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