A Moist Morning

It was lovely and still this morning with moisture sitting on everything in the garden - so I nipped out to see if there was anything interesting.
The Feverfew is nearly at waist height but didn't seem to be holding any moisture.
The washing line held a bit more interest, but the spider webs all had damage to them, which was a shame, but I had to go to the hedge to actually find a spider .... and he wasn't hanging about for a portrait.
The falling Elderflower was looking nice on the dark leaf (well, I thought so).
There is a good crop of self seeded Orchids in the tubs (this is the more heavily populated one).

SWMBO took herself back off to bed without finishing her tea and crumpet - the heavy air taking its toll again ...it was warm and really muggy and looked like it was set for the day.

I spent the morning in the garage playing at the lathe ... after having attacked my troublesome turning tool with the blowtorch and winning the battle (but I will need to order some new Allen screws and key so I don't end up with the same problem.

Since yesterday there is an Iris has appeared in the pond and 3 Peonies have opened, but as expected were suffering a bit from the weather, so I cut them (and a bud that was also showing water damage) and took some still life shots of them. I quite liked the stems and air bubbles in the vase, so snapped them too.

It was a good call on cutting the flowers because the heavens opened not long after - then the thunder joined the party and after a period of calm the heavens opened again. No watering required in the garden now, that is for sure.

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