Oye! - Stop Licking My Window

I was going to use  a shot of the lovely bark on the cherry tree in the James Young Simpson memorial garden in Bathgate  that I took whilst doing my delivery duties but this slimy chap (who seemed to be wearing his shell on his bum rather than his back) won over.

I took SWMBO out to the bank after lunch.
We got there 15 minutes after they had shut (restricted hours due to the crisis apparently) but were good enough to allow her to deposit a cheque. I bet they wouldn't have been that accommodating if she had been wanting to take money out!
On the way home we stopped off at drove past the craft shop ...... big queue! - and then went to pick up the tablets that had not been in stock (twice) in the past two weeks. When we got home it was noticed that the tablets had been packaged upon the same day as the rest of her prescription. The useless staff (and I am using past experiences with them to justify the description) had obviously misplaced/not picked up the package with the rest and then not checked and claimed they were not in stock on previous attempts to collect them.

I have also posted a couple of cloud shots and 'still lifes' I took during my zoom meeting last night with the tree shots.

I made a couple of acorn boxes and started a needle case type box - but that is not guaranteed to stay together due to a couple of cracks that have appeared. Hopefully the superglue will do the trick.

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