Sweet Smelling.

I nipped into the garden this morning before going out for fuel to grab a 'just in case' blip.
The Honeysuckle at the back gate was a no brainer, but the big bloom on the Peony also deserved a shot - despite the water damage.

I dragged SWMBO out for a spot of fresh air when I headed in to the outskirts of Edinburgh to get fuel (not used to that these days).
We also went to see about a new printer since mine is goosed.
SWMBO had credit sitting somewhere (from doing on-line surveys) so had ordered up gift cards to cover the cost and they arrived about 2 days into lockdown. Unfortunately we couldn't use them on-line because thee cards only had £10 on each and you can only redeem 3 at a time on-line.
So we had to wait until the shop (a large, national company) opened again.
We selected the one that I wanted and spoke to an assistant who checked up and found that they have no printers to sell in the shop and didn't know when (or if) they would be coming in ...... and No he couldn't sell any of the ones on display. What sort of way to do business is that?  No wonder people are moving away from high street shopping - they are being driven away by the companies.
We managed to persuade them to take our pile of cards and give us a single card for the same value so on-line it will be.

When we got home I went and picked the last 3 Peony blooms with minimal rain damage from the front garden and took them inside to take some shots. That is when I noticed the spider running for cover.

Other shots of the Peonies are available over there.

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