
By LifeLines

First day of July

The ox-eye daises which filled the dog walking field during June are now fading and the green grasses are turning yellow.  Instead, the fresh green of young teasels and purple flowers of the thistles take pride of place.  The rain of yesterday is gone and we've had a day of pleasant warm, shady skies and a gentle southerly breeze.  Very lovely.

I've walked the dog three times (with Andy), made spinach soup, and planted thyme and weeded in the front garden.  After dinner we relaxed watching one of the You Tube sailing channels we enjoy - this one in particular is following the journey of a French/Swiss couple who are traveling through Europe by sea, canals and rivers. They started in the Med. on their sail boat, reached France by spring where they stayed during lock-down, and are just on the move again.  Their plan is to travel up to and through Sweden and Norway.  Something to lose ourselves in for a time and perhaps to inspire some adventures of our own.

Wishing you all well and a calm and peaceful evening.

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