Strange Day

A damp, windy day.  Felt a bit odd for July and, combined with a bad night of sleep, I spent much of the day inside sitting, revising and dosing!  We had a couple of blustery dog walks, including one where we visited 'our' apple tree in the community orchard which has a good number of apples for a two year old tree.

The pubs and hairdressers opened in England today.  The first time since the end of March.  Feels odd writing that.  Almost unbelievable.  Andy has managed to book a hair cut for next Thursday.  I suspect I will have to wait a lot longer.  I don't mind.

Off for a bath whilst Andy takes Merlin for his evening walk.  Merlin has a poorly tummy again so he is on small portions of chicken and rice. 

Wishing you a good Saturday evening.

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