Happy 92nd Birthday

You gave me life,
You gave me love.

You wrote me stories,
You read me stories,
And you did all the voices.

You read me poems,
And kindled in me,
A lifelong love
Of poetry.

You opened my eyes to art,
And a gentle view of the world.
You created beautiful sculpture,
With your practical hands.

You have a mind full of "useless information",
Which is far more interesting than the useful kind.

We share laughs and tales,
And talk of poems.

You are part of me
And I am part of you.

Happy Birthday Dad

It is my Dad's 92nd birthday today. He's not very well, but is still the same self inside ..... let's hope for many happy returns.

Couldn't say what I wanted in the restricted format of a haiku ... so have rambled somewhat with the poem ...

Photo not brilliant, but you've got to grab moments while you can.

Can't really say any more.

Back blip for yesterday here

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