A brace of Grandads

A brace of Grandads,
A relaxed day to celebrate
With those who are close.

back blipped:

We had a family gathering at our house to celebrate Mark's Dads 81st birthday (on 31st January) and my Dad's 92nd birthday (on 4th february) .

My sister and brother-in-law came over and this is them - Adrian and Sue (aka 54daisies). I had originally blipped a picture of them, but have changed it as I thought perhaps I should have at least one Grandad in it! This is Mark's Dad Nigel, with his two little boys and our sofa monkeys I 'll let you work out who is who (clue Adrian on the left, Mark on the right).

Not a great photograph, rubbish focus etc, but captures a moment! The other Grandad, also a Great Grandad, is

Sue blipped some of us post-lunch here

A lovely relaxed day, with lovely company. I think both Dads/Grandads really enjoyed it. It was extra special for my Dad as he is not well so it was a lovely outing for him. Sadly my pictures of him from this day of him weren't very good, but I will blip him tomorrow come what may!

More pics on my Facebook here

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