
By TBay

Stormy Skies.

We decided to have another BBQ for supper this evening and I did at one point think the heavens were about to open but the rain passed us by!

Just before the BBQ I decided to feed the chicks (see extra) and to try to get the henhouse open for our solitary hen to get into without the rams getting in. Rookie error guys!  Eager Beaver or was it Elliot? Anyway one of the little blighter decided that I was fair game for a head butting session! Good thing I had a length of blue pipe in my hand! Only farmers will understand this bit of trusty kit!  After several hefty smacks to his head I managed to get into the hen house but of course I couldn’t get out as by then all six rams had congregated round the henhouse and were doing their best to get in too! Time to get back up! A quick message to Mr Tbay to alert him to my situation brought the family running to giggle at my plight but more importantly to distract Eager Beaver (what a name!) and his play mates so I could slip away unnoticed! Oh they joys of rams at this time of year!

Farming - Compost hauling and bale hauling.

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