
By TBay

Tea anyone?

A very busy day today with much decorating going on. I have now finished my bedroom window undercoating and have now moved to another room to start painting the walls. By evening I had managed to accomplish all I wanted too!

Mr Tbay was on a very long run around which included picking up Mr Tbay Jnr after delivering machinery to a farm and after lunch it was gardening time again.

Mr Tbay Jnr and Miss H were busy preparing sheep for the Devon County Show next weekend. Sheep were all brought in and the first three selected, two ewe lambs and the ram Eager Beaver. (What a name for a ram!!) After they had washed and processed these three they then started on the next one who was less than helpful!! She managed to escape and at one stage was in my kitchen! I had just come from upstairs to get a paint brush and on opening the kitchen door was very surprised to be greeted by Doreen the sheep in my kitchen! Miss H and Mr Tbay Jnr were on her case and I was able to send her packing in their direction! After an interesting few laps of the garden and a stop by her to taste my runner beans she was apprehended!

Ah the life in the country side!

See extras for show ready girls.

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