Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


After seeing an article the other day about blood types and Covid-19 susceptibility, G came through to ask my blood type. I've never given blood so I had no idea. A quick Google and a kit was on its way. A jab of the finger and some difficulty bleeding and I had my 4 droplets on the test card. Turns out I'm O+.

It doesn't give me a free pass for Covid but it might make me not as susceptible as I could be with a different type. I'll still be in a vulnerable group, I still have issues every year with my chest and infections, including a 5 month post viral cough after I caught flu before I could get my jab. Post-mortems of some who died on ventilators have shown lung tissue that was no longer recognisable as that. Whilst a mild case wouldn't go that far, I'll still be doing all I can to minimise my chances of even a mild case and the toll it may take on my already slightly poor lungs.

In related news, chats are continuing with work about how and when and to what form of role I can return to my bricks and mortar work.

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