
By Cumbrialass

Ooh what a big one!

First , walkies with Fletch , rain imminent so wet weather gear on. Wore the Paramo jacket I bought just before lockdownmin anticipation of many days out walking on the fells or in the Dales "even if it rained"  One good thing , I noticed it fitted me better than in February when I wasnt sure if I should have bought the larger size. Must be all the local walking and the fact weve stopped having a coffee and cake at a cafe somewhere after walking. M always says it's not a proper walk if it isnt finished with a stop in a cafe for a coffee and cake. Obviously that hasn't happened for 3 months!

We missed the rain.. just drizzle. It fined u which was good as I'd arranged to meet my friend outside the dock museum.. partly for a chat and partly as it's her birthday tomorrow. The sun came out so we sat on the picnic benches for a natter. 

I popped in to Tesco for essentials ( proper essentials like milk and bread as opposed to other essentials like wine and chocolates!)
Strawberries were on special offer and I was amazed how big they were. ... huge to say the least.. and luckily very tasty!

Thank you for the comments and stars :)

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