Angkor Wat & Angkor Thom

Our first full day in Cambodia and we were up early (again!) to be taken in a fleet of tuk-tuks to Angkor Wat. By 8am the humidity was already stifling so the breeze as we sped along dirt roads was a welcome relief.

Our guide, Ran, took us in by the more sheltered "back door" (4th extra) where the view of the temple gave a clear impression of its vastness (3rd extra). We worked our way through the temple complex, eventually coming out of the front entrance for the classic Angkor Wat view (5th extra), although by this time the harsh late morning sun was producing a strange glaring light.

We headed back into Siem Reap for another large lunch and a chance to freshen up at the hotel then it was back on the tuk-tuks to Angkor Thom, a smaller but equally impressive temple. I particularly liked all the faces built into the fronts of the temple in the main blip see 1st extra for close up) and the sculptures on the bridge leading to the main gateway across the moat. (last extra) 

We left in time to catch a glorious sunset over the moat.(2nd extra)

In the evening, we all hired tuk-tuks again for an evening in Pub Street, the centre of nightlife in Siem Reap, where we enjoyed remarkably cheap beer and cocktails and excellent Cambodian food in the Temple  Bar, recommended to us by our Vietnamese guide, Loc.

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