Cow parsley

Did a bit of catching up with people before going up to the Community Centre by bike to deliver some leaflets about Foodbank to be given out to people attending for other food related purposes.
Took the slightly long way home and met one of the ponds volunteers picking up litter, though there wasn't too much, and stopped for a chat.
Some gardening after lunch and then went to see if Lidl had any acers left (they didn't but did get a couple of border plants) and then to Clatto for a walk.
There might have been a pic of a bullfinch which seemed quite unperturbed by me passing but I'd left all cameras at home and by the time I'd realised I was well on the way to the shop. There was also a tree creeper a few paces along the route and the views to the Sidlaws were very good.
Part of the route was bordered by Cow parsley so I took a pic of some in the garden when I got back.
Now more catching up and claiming a refund for my Easyjet flights. It was very easy to fill in the form though I don't know when I'll get the money, they've a lot of claims to deal with.

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