Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Next Project ...

This one has been lurking in the back of my mind for years. The piece of the left is a Fair-Isle waistcoat which belonged to my father. It must have been knitted over seventy years ago, and by my Grandmother or one of my Aunts. I've always liked it, and indeed wore it a few times in my teen years. Now it's very thin, and beginning to disintegrate, and my plan is to make a replica, or as close as I can, and then to make the original into something, a bear perhaps.  

I've got the yarn, I've knitted my tension sample, I've made a chart for the pattern.And Alice Starmore will guide me through the intricacies of something called the steek. I've never steeked before, but I'm sure I'll be ok. Though it does involve a bit of cutting the garment to make the holes for arms and head. Wish me luck ....

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