This afternoon I had a very nice 'social distancing' walk up Corstorphine Hill with some of Ann's friends (see extras). Corstorphine Hill is one of these places that covers a huge area and is full of paths winding their way through a hillside of woods. It's a great place for walking but it's not really a place that Ann is familiar with and on other occasions she's actually found it quite eerie. Probably due to the fact that someone was murdered up there a few years ago and the body was buried in the woods! There never seems to be anyone else there and it just has a really creepy feel to it.

Anyway there were a few people wandering around today but it was by no means busy and because Ann was with her friends she felt safe. Part of the path runs alongside Edinburgh zoo and we saw zebras and wallaby's. Unfortunately there were two lots of fences between them and me so I couldn't go chasing. But actually I don't chase big things. I only chase bunnies and squirrels and today I only saw one squirrel. Boohoo!

When Ann stopped to take a photo of this lovely view I decided to jump up onto this wall to show everyone how clever I was at walking on walls. Honestly I'm like a little toddler at times. I always like to be the centre of attention. But, we've had the most fabulous afternoon. We walked for 2 hours and it was lovely that the humans got to chat to each other in real life. I hope we can do it again soon.

.................And in other news....................... has anyone else noticed how all the beggars/homeless people are gradually finding their way back onto the streets? At the beginning of lock down they all seemed to have been found somewhere to stay (and then a couple of weeks later re-appeared, but were quickly 'removed' again). Now they all seem to be popping up in their usual haunts. We can't for one moment imagine that they're making very much money by sitting back in their usual spots outside the supermarkets, because most people aren't even carrying cash these days. Nor do we think that they will have been moved out of their accommodation with no where to go (though my human admits she doesn't really know enough about this to comment). Perhaps they just want to get back to what is 'normal' life for them?

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