
By Cumbrialass

It must be summer , the sheep are out

Since lockdown began.. (over 9 weeks ago! ) I've been in a mental limbo. The days and weeks have been so similar.. but nature has continued to progress . It's almost a surprise to realise that we are less than a month to mid summer. First true realisations that summer is on it's way is when I finally get my bedding plants planted ( done ) and the 3 sheep come out. Our original pair were left out into winter and got frost damage Then by chance I saw these to replace them  and they overwinter inside. Meet Ruskin, Beatrix and Alfred (Wainwright) .. good Lake District names.

Metro walk so Fletch had plenty of grass to do his umpteen rolly pollies. A brief stop at Tesco for a few bits I'd no room to carry yesterday. M stood with Fletch while I queued , not for long and the person in front was my ex PE teacher...only 10 years older than me and looking fit  It was nice to have a chat.

Back home and I got the lawn mowed. I've done a test patch , watering with the seaweed lawn food.... to see if it kills or cures. 

I popped out to see if I could see space X pass over,  but the houses across the road block our view and it was still daylight..  so didnt see anything. Turns out that they've postponed  the lift off due to inclement  weather. 

Weather for us is good over the next few days. I'd really love to get out in to the Lakes but I've a feeling it might be busy.

Take care everyone.x

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