
By Cumbrialass


A warm day!  A few days ago I was wearing my warm jacket and bracing myself against the strong icy it was tee shirt weather!  Is it any wonder we talk about the weather so much.
I had planned to venture farther to give the car a run and have a change of scenery but M thought it would be too hot for Fletch. I didnt put up much of an argument as I was a bit tired.. Fletch wanted to go out at 3:30 amand then at 6:30 yawn

So we went to AH. Fletch was allowed off the lead and behaved himself.  
I wanted to go to M&S and offered to "pop in" to B&Q for M. Of course , nowadays one cant pop in anywhere. . A queue to get in , follow the arrows and then try and find what you're after only to find they are out of stock!
M& S was better although the chinese stir fry I was after was also out of stock!

On the way back to the car I called at Wilko in the hope that I could find the paint M wanted. 
It appears that everyone has been after exterior paint too... out of stock.

I did see a bike basket so I bought that. It is designed to be a quick release and I thought it would be handy, seeing as I've started to do local shopping on my bike. It took longer to fix than I expected. This was because the instructions were for a different fitting. ( a check on the website and there were complaints about this) It was a matter of trial and error and really ridiculous how difficult it was to get it to fasten to the handle bars.. but I finally succeeded. I just hope it doesnt fall off . 

I've started the blanket.  I've drawn 2 grids for the 2 designs and will need to concentrate on which row I'm on. I could have made the pattern simple but then I'd have got bored. 

Wine and an episode of Outlander. M has grown to dislike it.. says its soppy but after watching all the seasons I shall stick with it to the end.
Enjoy the weather ( although we really need some rain!)
Blip is of the house down the road. The forecourt garden has been left to do it's own thing,  I love the fox gloves. 

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