Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Zeugnis Tag

"You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals."
~Booker T Washington

Today was "Zeugnis Tag" - Mid-Year Report Cards. My four children came home with stacks of papers from their schools indicating the marks they'd earned this semester and the strengths and weaknesses the teachers had noted. Now that they've been here over a year, most teachers are no longer giving them much leeway and expect them to have caught up on language deficits and be performing more on par with their German classmates.

Realistically, they still need more time to catch up. They had to hit the ground running, learning new subjects, adjusting to different styles of teaching and methods of evaluation while learning to read and write at an advanced level a language in which they only had basic conversational skill. Oh, and of course coping with the usual challenges of adolescence and teen drama, plus homesickness, etc...Life's not exactly been a cake walk for them.

Given these obstacles, I'm extremely proud of their progress. It saddens me that the older ones remain so frustrated with their accomplishments. They are good students, who want their grades to reflect their hard work and ability. I know one day they will. But it's more important that they find balance and happiness in life; that they can be proud of themselves regardless of the report cards. Having a good heart and making a positive contribution to your corner of the world is far more important in life than what's printed on the diploma or even on the paycheck.

So for my children, and all the hard-working kids out there, I have only this advice:

"Be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life's a great balancing act. And will you succeed? Yes! you will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed). Kid, you'll move mountains."
~Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel

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