Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Ten Hours and one ER Visit Later...

She started off all pretty and smiling this morning. I actually grabbed this quick shot before school, thinking it might be her turn in Mom's blip spotlight. Little did I know that 10 hours later I'd even have a nice little story to go with it.

My first-born. Like her little sis, a fierce athlete as well. And today she had sports class. Soccer. With guys who think girls can't play ball. Well her competitive spirit got the better of her this time and landed her in the Emergency room before class was over.

Ten hours after this shot, I'd collected her all sweaty and somewhat teary-eyed from the school locker room, where the teacher and her friends had her injured ankle elevated and packed in ice. They thought it best we go right to the doc. I'm usually a wait-and-see kind of Mom. But this girl has had her share of sports injuries and I've seen her go down hard and get right back on the field. Today she was clearly hurting a bit more than usual and could not put any weight on the foot. So off for x-rays we went.

Thankfully, nothing is broken - it's just a soft tissue injury. Now she's home, with a very swollen and sore ankle wrapped in bandages and propped on a pile of fluffy pink pillows.

And she keeps texting to me when she needs stuff. Hold on a second, I'll be right back....

Yes, I'm providing round the clock room service.
It's OK, she's worth it.

And one day I'm going to require paybacks :)

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