Happy flowers...!

These antirrhinums have been grown from plugs and are looking good. I think we called them Snap dragons and even Pop Granny out of Bed when we were children. Lovely bright yellow and very cheerful!

D began potting the dahlia tubers after treating them with rooting compound; a long and time consuming task and one of the reasons we plan to reduce the number we have. He came in at dusk when he couldn’t see properly to continue.

Me... more sewing. Five dolls now dressed. If only I didn’t want to make each style slightly different, the job wouldn’t take so long. I like them though! My extra...

Wonderful news from SweetArt! And she could be home this weekend. Our other friends are making progress, one more so than the other who could be in for the long haul. Really tough for those who have to wait. We continue to support in the one way we can, by our prayers.

Saturday tomorrow and a Bank Holiday weekend. We will try to do something different if we can!

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