Castin Paets

A fine day, mostly sunny, with some clouds passing over.  It was warm in the sun, but cooler in the breeze.  

Up early and got going after breakfast.  It's mostly been a day in the peat hill.  Some walkies with Sammy this evening.  I was going to head back to the peat hill, but knackered now, and much needed feet up on the sofa, and fire roaring. 

I've finally made a start to casting the peat bank, and managed to get a third of it done.  This is the first stage, cutting the heavy damp peat, and then let it dry with the wind for a couple of weeks.  Next will be the back breaking raising them, which is to stack them so the wind passes through easily.  It was a fine day to be in the hill, and plenty of other folk were out walking too.  Me hard at work with my tushkar, on the Hill of Fitch, Tingwall.  

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