Ringed Doo

A lovely warm and sunny day, all day :)  A tad breezy this evening. 

Another lazy day, but we did manage a big walk along the beach in the morning.  The afternoon was spent lounging by the pool, and the hot tub again too.  A quiet evening in the hotel tonight.

We have no shortage of ringed doo's (dove) in Shetland, but there they are fairly timid birds, and fly away as soon as they see you.  Here is a different matter, they aren't overly friendly, but they certainly aren't scared to be around humans, looking for any scrap going.  What a contrast in climates they can stay in, here where it's never cold, and Shetland where it's rarely hot.  This peerie ringed dove came over in the afternoon, and happily waited for me to snap a quick pic.  Taken in the Beverley Park Hotel garden bar, Playa Del Ingles, Gran Canaria. 

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