Bluebells at Mary's

A windy day, and started raining about 10am.  It's poured down for most of the day.  The wind has fallen away this evening, along with the rain, a few showers though.  

I've been working at my picnic table desk all day.  I've mostly been cataloguing photos.  I nipped down to mam's at lunchtime, to drip off some things.  I finally got out with Sammy this evening, and had a couple of walks.  We got caught both times with a shower, but we carried on.  I've surprisingly managed to reach 10,000 steps today.  We've made it to four weeks without any new Coronavirus cases.  NHS Shetland still fear it could be hiding in the isles, and not to become complacent.  Some folk can't seem to help themselves though, various reports about folk having parties and such like, idiots!  I hope they don't ruin it and cause any new problems here.  

I was hoping to get back to the peat hill tonight, but a soggy peat bank is no place to be, and my peats cut yesterday won't be drying either.  Much was the same when I was down at mam's, a wet soggy croft, and no weather for a walk either.  On the up side, no watering the garden, and crops planted will have had a really good watering.  A couple of fine days after this will help any flowers bloom.  Bluebells growing by Mary's, Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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