Let Me Tell You That I love You....
G sat proudly in the exam room in all her woolly jumper glory.
"This is P's" and she stroked it lovingly.
"Yes", we all agreed,"we can smell it".
The jumper had an odour, but to G, (and to be quite honest, to everyone within a five foot radius), it said "P".
This was our second year exams, and G had decided that P's jumper was going to bring her luck, because P was very clever. We all laughed and started to declare our own good luck charms. Rubbers, Pencil Cases, Lucky Pants.
I looked round my desk ... all the usual accouterments, pencil case plastered with Acronyms which I didn't know stood for, Polos, ruler, coloured pens, pencils, typex,tissues. Hmm. Then I looked down, On top of my tee I was wearing my Dad's shirt, which I pinched off him while we were on holiday that year.
"I'm wearing my Dad's Shirt", I announced.
"Is he good at Accounts? " Asked R?
"He is good at Everything". I said. And smiled knowingly.
And this faded blue shirt, became a constant fixture at all my exams, and was forever known as "The Exam Shirt".
Dad died at start of the next term, but the shirt stayed with me, and it's still with me.
It sat in the back seat of the car when I passed my driving test. And see this little space in the hem inside it? That is a little piece which I cut out and pinned inside my "Interview Shirt", and inside Si's Interview suit - and his wedding suit (If ever someone needed luck it would be when marrying me)
It's going nowhere, a little bit of Dad, crumpled up inside my knicker drawer.
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