Maybe then you'll Score

Look what I got today.

A Jar of Moonlight.

Richard, the Nicest Postman in the WHOLE world brought it. It was too exciting. I love getting things in the post. It is exceptionally exciting.

Tomorrow, someone I know is getting something in the post. It's a belated Wedding / Birthday Present. You will know who you are when you get it. I like to wait for the PERFECT gift.

Do you remember when you were little, and gym was a once a week occurence and you kept your shorts and your sandshoes in a little bag hanging over the back of your chair. And once in a while, you would take them home because your mum insisted they needed washed.

And you took your shoes back in, and it was only when it was Thursday afternoon, and the teacher said, "Shorts on, Shoes on,Gym Time", you realised that you had left your shorts at home, and you had to suffer the indignity of doing gym in your navy knickers.

Yes, well I had that indignity today. After a very lovely swim at 6.45 this morning, I got out of the pool, showered, walked into the changing room, and realised with horror, that I had NO UNDERWEAR!!!


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