All My Dreams Came True once More

Am not really a laying in the bath type person, but since it was all tidied and finished on Monday night, I couldn't think of anything else.

I came home from work today, undercooked and then burnt my dinner, tidied up and then headed upstairs.

It's only a relaxing bath if there are candles, and it's only relaxing if you are convinced the bath will (a) hold the water, and (b) not crash through the floor.

Once I had ran the bath, And checked underneath - no drips. I clambered in; and soon lay back and chilled when I realised it was completely safe; and bonus - I didn't drop my phone in the water, or set fire to my hair.

Don't know about you, but I am so tired after a busy day at work, I'm ready for bed now.... See ya all tomorrow.

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