By lizzie_birkett

Missing The Irish Ones Too!

Here are Isla 8 1/2 and Arón 6, our Irish Grandchildren. They live in a little place called Martinstown in beautiful County Antrim (see extra) These two give the best cuddles ever - you think they're never going to let you go! Isla is a sensitive, caring little girl with most amazing red curls and Arón is a wee comedian with an answer for everything!
We haven't seen them and their Mum and Dad since last Autumn. They were meant to be coming over for Easter but the airline they booked with went bust and then Covid-19 came along. We were all so disappointed - not least all the wee cousins who were looking forward to seeing each other.
They have their Irish grandparents (Alec and Kathleen) close by and can see them at a safe distance.

Now their parents - Sam (Frank's son) and Siobhan are working from home and are likely to continue doing so in future - it saves them each a round trip of an hour and a half to Belfast. It's nice that they get more time together as a family.
Isla and Aron get their schoolwork sent out to them to do at home so Siobhan says they do that each weekday morning then after lunch they play games together and go for a walk in the forest with their gorgeous dog Blu, a Cockerpoo. They love reading and drawing too so they're not short of things to keep them occupied. They usually go to the beach quite often which is not far away but of course they are not allowed to now because of Covid.
We can't wait to see them all and get squished to death!

Today we came down to the boat - I have to tend the other garden! I remember Frank warning me about planting things at home as well as at the mooring! Now we have to go between the 2 every few days although our neighbour Bob waters the garden at home for us. I just cannot have garden space and not plant stuff and it's certainly helped me throughout the pandemic.

The boat is the only place where I feel relaxed enough to read in the daytime. At the house I'm always finding other things that 'need' doing.
When we got here today I realised I'd forgotten the hand held bit of the vacuum cleaner! It wouldn't normally be a problem but Bella is shedding her winter coat and it gathers in the corners and rolls about like tumbleweed! Anyway, I'll manage with the little brush and shovel.
It's still cold outside so we had to light the stove again.

Frank is making veggie curry tonight and we have Strawberry Cornettos (vegan) for afters! Yum!

Have a nice evening folks - stay at home to stay safe! :-)x

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