Morning meander

The tide was out farther than far; I’ve never seen it so low. I was on the beach at7 this morning and it was so nice. I watched the fishermen launch their boat and set off, one standing in the bow as the boat sped away. Lots of little things to observe in the water including many crabs, and living shells. I heard a low roar of planes taking off too; repatriation flights for the thousands of Indians here, or planes patrolling? Who knows. Later that day we heard about the friendly fire incident with an Iranian boat in the Gulf of Oman on Sunday.. 
Got my lectures done, taking a bit less time to plan the topics.
Still no pay, 2 days late, maybe tomorrow. Then after the working day had finished we got the email, we’re to work 3 days a week, 40% pay cut. My colleague doesn’t understand, we still have contracts, the money is coming in and the government has reduced charges on a lot of our work. It’s a cash grab! My days off are Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday tomorrow - how can I record six lectures in one day? I can’t, is the simple much for days off.. and I’m sure I won’t get paid. My colleague complained about how long it takes me to plan and record lessons. No materials, no syllabus.. they don’t understand.
A good Pilates class by Zoom, a nice beach walk, dinner, calls with friends about my job... and a chat with a colleague by whatsapp. He's doing it tough - wife and new baby he's not seen are stuck in Algeria, he hadn't been given permission to go collect them then Corona hit. I wondered how he'd fare with the pay cuts. Turned out he'd resigned that day. He's had enough. I'll be sad to see him go, nice guy. And we don't know when he'll actually get a flight out, but at least he won't have to put up with the nonsense. I’ll write an email of complaint about my pay cut to be sent after pay day.. I relocated for this..

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