If I just Lay.... if I just lay here
I woke early today - 730 and thought I would not waste a moment.
I got up and ... and this is how desperate times have become.... I cleaned the blinds. Yes, Upstairs ssmall room; upstairs bedroom and living room. Both sides. all ends...
Then i had to sit down and rest
Then I had breakfast, by that time Si had got up and was busy pulling it all together. I treated myself and as well as eggs and bacon and sausages.... fried bread. Nom.
The sunflowers did very well. All but one were gone when we left the house to shoot up to the allotment. And I had on-line orders, for two to the allotment, three round the corners, and please could I hold some for tomorrow. Which of course i did.
I potted up another 100 of the seedlings. And wondered why i grew so many of them.
I potted up my sweetpeas and some more marigolds.
THen we had a wander to the allotment and checked everything out and I left the sunflowers for a fellow allotmenteer.
When we got home, I had a nap. Getting up early took it's toll by 3. We had a lovely dinner outside, entertained by bean the cat coming home quickly and then taking off and chasing birds in next doors trees.
I then finished my day, by cycling down to the edge of the water - and watching the sun rippling over the sea.
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