Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Ragged robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi
and in Extras
Red campion - Silene dioica
both members of the pink family (campions and catchflies)

When I was a kid, ragged robin used to grow everywhere, a really common wildflower.  Then for years and years it seemed to disappear completely - at least round here.  Last year was the first time I saw it since I left home, and it was in a rather special location.  Today I saw it there again, but this shot was actually taken on the edge of town.  So hopefully it's moving around, I'd love to see it thrive like it used to.

In Extras is a shot of red campion, which you do see a lot of.  A near relative, much less precious, but still, I think, very beautiful.

Dear blipfriends, you will see that my comments are off again.  This is because I, too, am a bit ragged.  I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to find the lockdown rather more stressful than it was.  Of course I am continuing to be good about it, but I'm getting exhausted.  So I'm afraid that from me it will be stars and hearts for as much as the next fortnight, but on the whole not comments.  Time to take a deep breath.  Thank you.

I hope that you are all okay - well, calm and happy.  Much love  xx

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