
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

The boys do not like other cats in our garden. This is a pity, because other cats LOVE our garden. I think it is because it is (at present) wild and overgrown. Any cat can be a JUNGLE CAT in our garden.

Here, you can see one of the local tabby cats puttering around in the long grass while the boys give him the hairy eyeball. If I were to open the door, kitty violence would ensue, so I just don't do it.

Jasper, in particular, loathes a tortoiseshell cat that appears from time to time. As soon he sees her he shouts, "Tortie!" and runs to the door, desperate to be let out. 

I do let him out - purely to shut him up - but I do my utmost to give Tortie adequate warning so that she can run for it. On one occasion, she was a bit nonchalant about it and as a result was unprepared for the tubby black and white ROCKET that shot out and chased her across the garden. For his size, he can put on quite a turn of speed. 

"What the EFF was THAT?!" said Tortie, as she disappeared over the fence.

I apologised to her and have been more careful since. As for Jasper, I waited for his tail to go down, then ushered him back inside.

Punky, on the other hand, engages in the most bizarre behaviour. I have mentioned it before. When he sees another cat he makes this bizarre noise:


It sounds like he is clearing his throat in a library.


It is quite loud.

His tail goes fat and he gets low to the ground. Then he starts making a noise like this. "OooOOOoooooOOOO".

"What the eff are you doing?" asks Jasper.

Once covid is over we will install a kitty-proof fence to keep our boys in and interlopers out. The lads can have the jungle all to themselves. But I sometimes wonder if they'll MISS the drama?

Certainly I will miss describing it to you.


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