A Day of C's

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Poor Caro. I know she has a harder job than me. But now I am home with her all of the time, I can hear it. 

She speaks to a lot of doctors and health boards as you know. The recent crisis has afforded her much more work as she has had doctors arriving in NZ ahead of their families, going straight into quarantine and then finding their families are stuck in the UK. 

One poor guy eventually made it out of quarantine here but due to lockdown was able to buy just a mattress and a fridge for his rented accommodation. A colleague loaned him an X-Box and a telly to keep his spirits up.

Caro does her best to support under such circumstances. 

Also, while Covid has slowed down time for most of us, Caro finds herself busier than ever. Hospitals, which had been preparing for a flood of cases have found themselves with time on their hands due to Auntie Cindy's* leadership.

Meanwhile, doctors are also finding NZ a much more attractive prospect than they did at the start of the year. As a consequence she is inundated with both jobs and candidates. In a way, this is good. But when you get a doctor like the lady Caro was speaking to this morning, not so good.

Remember The Man Who Couldn't Finish A Sentence? Well eff me, but Caro got one of THOSE. Because it was on speakerphone I suffered through the whole one hour and FORTY-FIVE minute conversation and even though I wasn't participating I wanted to shout, "JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN YOU EFFING EFFWIT!!"

DOCTOR: So I'm really concerned my credentials won't be recognised because they're Swedish.
CARO: That's okay, there are NZ equivalencies which...
DOCTORS: Because.... because... because... you see I designed my own Phd because I wanted to travel...
CARO: It's okay...
DOCTOR: And it's really important to me and I'm really worried...
CARO: It's...
DOCTOR: Because I also can't work in Australia...
CARO: Well that's...
DOCTOR: And... well... because... the thing is I want to be able to work as soon as I arrive.
CARO: But...
DOCTOR: Because... the thing is... because... well...

Caro had her head in her hands after that call. I told Caro to kick that doctor to the kerb. Sure, she could probably place her somewhere but can you imagine how much the local staff would HATE Caro if she did?

Caro did not need that yesterday. Not only is she very busy but she also has a ton of work to do before handing over her work to her manager on Thursday. 

What is happening on Thursday, you may ask? Well, Caro found out last week that surgery which she had been scheduled for since last year is finally happening. So she'll be going on Thursday, coming out Friday and having a much-needed week off. I'm really glad I'll be here at home for her all that time. 

A (male) colleague made the mistake of asking her if she was having a brain transplant ha ha ha. So Caro took great delight in telling him that it was in fact a "vaj-related" operation, and going into great detail about it.

Which I will spare you here. Suffice to say that you (Princess) will understand when I tell you that it is a PCO-related thing.

She is not in the least concerned about the procedure and in fact, is looking forward to some proper down time. "I see everyone around me having a cruisey lockdown. Everyone but ME," she said, annoyed. While glaring meaningfully at me. 

Then she got back to work. Preparing her handover to her useless boss who apparently knows nothing and who will probably do bugger all, or eff things up for Caro while she is off sick. 

"It's been a day of c***s," Caro complained. And this phrase tickled us both so much that we laughed for an inordinately long time.

There's nothing like a good c*** for letting off steam.


* Lemon told me that this is how Jacinda is known in her house. "Put on your mask! Or I'll tell Auntie Cindy!"

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