This morning Ann made me get up at about 6.45am. 6.45am? That's a ridiculous time for a little collie pup to get up, especially as we spend most of the day doing nothing. Apparently Ann couldn't sleep because she was so excited about the prospect of going out in the car to Aldi to do Mrs R's weekly shop. That's how mundane our life has become. Lol! The sun was shining so off we went to the park for my walk. We thought we might be the only people there. But oh no we weren't. It was just as busy as it usually is at our normal time which is about 8-8.30am-ish. But look what we spotted in the burn (see extras). …............A big heron. We've never seen a heron in the burn before.

And guess what else was in the park?............................ Loads of baby squirrels playing in the sunshine. However, even though the sun was shining, the grass actually appeared to have a frosty glow to it. Anyway I had to do lots of running, obviously, because baby squirrels need chasing. Unfortunately the minute I start chasing baby squirrels, they run up trees. Grrrrrrr.................. This is a Blip of me staring at a baby squirrel that I had just chased up a tree.

Oh and my human needs to have a HUGE teeny, weeny RANT here......................

This afternoon I was going to go on my walk and then pop into a friends garden for a 'social distancing' chat. The humans were going to sit more than 2m apart and there is nothing in the garden that my human would have touched (though I might have chewed a few sticks). Apparently the friends neighbours told the friend that she wasn't allowed to do this. Seriously?!!! In a private garden? What business is it of anyone else's anyway? It's not like my human would be making a special trip to do this. I'd just be en-route home after my afternoon walk.

..........And yes, I'll admit it................. I am getting two walks a day, but I live in a 4th floor flat, I'm a young active collie pup and can I seriously just be expected to only go to the toilet once every 24 hours? No I can't. Ann feels that she's 'sticking to the rules' a lot more seriously than a lot of people. She only goes out in the car once a week, when she's doing a shop for Mrs R who is in her 80s (& obv she buys stuff for herself too). The rest of the time if she needs anything she just shops local on the way back from my walks and I get tied up outside the shop. …........So she's actually risking my safety by tying me up. Before all this happened I never got tied up outside shops because she was too scared that someone might steal me. Fortunately these days there's people 'on the doors' limiting the number of people who go into shops so they tend to keep an eye on me.

Ann knows loads of people who have been out in the car to buy plants & paint and other so called 'non-essential' items. ….........Oh and the other thing that is really annoying....................... It would appear that the 'rules' are different in England & Scotland and we're guessing Wales (but we don't know anyone in Wales). Apparently in England you can now drive a 'short distance' to exercise and you can now sit down for a rest during your exercise??? You can't do that in Scotland. But actually; if you need to have a rest during your exercise, then surely you shouldn't have gone that far in the first place? It's not compulsory that you have to go out for an hour! If you can only manage a 10 min walk why on earth in lock down are you trying to do a hour????

................And just one more teeny, weeny RANT..................

While Ann was 'ranting' to someone about not being able to sit in her friends garden, she was told of someone who had received an anonymous letter saying that her son had been spotted out and about with his friends. …........He hadn't?!! This sort of thing really, really annoys my human. What is it with people that they can't be up front and honest about stuff? If you've got something to say, just say it and put your name to it. There's far too many keyboard warriors around at the moment.

Ann lives in fear of someone reporting her because she is taking me out twice a day. And although she knows she can justify it as being 'essential', she's constantly worrying because there just seems to be too many 'busy bodies' around that seem to want to report the most teeniest, weeniest little things without actually speaking to the person involved first.

PS – Please can you all think before you report anything without evidence of what you're actually reporting. My human has a friend in the police and they are dealing with more than you will ever know. Obviously nothing is being reported in the news because all the news is about Covid-19. The victims of domestic abuse have increased massively over the last few weeks.

................What is more important? Saving someone who could be killed by an abusive partner or reporting someone for sitting in a garden????

……...Just saying??!!!

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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