Trixie come! …....And a RANT about toilet training

While we are in St Ives we are very lucky because we have a big field right next to our house. I go into the field every day and I'm allowed off my lead most of the time. Usually there's other dogs for me to play with so I get to have a good run about with them and when Ann shouts 'Trixie come', I have to go zooming back to her.

Today there was no one in the field so Ann said, 'Trixie, I think we'll practise your sitting and staying'. I'm ever so good at sitting and staying when I'm in the flat but when I'm in a big field it's not so easy because there's lots of smells that I want to go around sniffing. Anyway, I had to sit and stay and then when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I had to run to her. I was pretty good until I saw a mummy with some little people. Instead of coming to Ann, I went whizzing off to meet the little people But then Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', and guess what?..................... I came … I was allowed to go and see them again. Yay!

….........And now for the toilet training rant! This just refers to my wees. I haven't had a poo in the house for almost 3 weeks??!!

I drink loads of water but I never, ever, seem to want to go. Take today for example; I went in the field at 8am and had a wee after about 10 mins. Went for a half hour walk (10-10.30am) to pick up the car that Ann had left after drinking copious quanties of wine at yesterday's BBQ. I didn't do anything. Went for a 50 min walk between 12.00-12.50pm. I didn't do anything. Went for a 40 min walk between 3.30-4.10pm. I didn't do anything so I had a 10 min play in the field. I didn't do anything. Went in the field at 6.15pm. I didn't do anything.

How is Ann supposed to praise me for going in the correct place when I just don't go? I'm fast asleep now but when I wake up Ann will take me into the field again.


Are there any dog experts/vets in Blipland that can suggest a way to make me wee?????

PS – I'm getting spayed on 3 May. Is this going to make the problem better or worse????????

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