Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

When I stopped to take my first photo of the ride, my camera told me there was no card in it.  Drat!  I was already 5 miles from home and really didn't want to turn around so I called PD and asked him to bring it to me.  I told him where it was plugged into my laptop and he said he found it and would be right there.  I'm happy to say that several people asked if I was okay while I was waiting on the side of the road.  He arrived quickly and, with a big smile, handed me the USB plug for my mouse.  Bless his heart, he said he would go back and get the card but I thanked him profusely and declined.  I handed him my camera and took off on my way.  So, all the photos in the today's collage were taken with my phone.

I was on my way to Carter Lake (on a mission from BikerBear) and I knew it would be a long ride culminating in a long hill.  It was a little farther than I thought and when I reached the Ranger station just before the climb started, I was already at 16 miles.  There was a long line of cars stopped with a flag person at the front.  I rode up to talk to him and he said it could be a long wait because there was blasting being done on the road.  So, with only about 3 miles left to my destination, I turned around.  Oh well, I'll get there next time.  I found a different route home and totaled 30 miles.  

Despite the setbacks, it was a really nice ride on roads I haven't ridden in several years.  The top left photo is my brother's "antenna farm".  He is a big time ham radio operator (K0RF) and bought this house on the hill with the antennae in mind.  He built all of them from the ground up.  His wife is very patient.  The upper right is one of our ubiquitous marijuana dispensaries.  There was a socially distanced line outside because they were offering special deals for 4/20 (the official pot smokers' holiday).  The bottom right is hard to read.  It says "Use Caution, Elk Crossing, November to April".  This is actually just down the road from my brother's house.  There is an elk herd that lives in the area and they often make their way into his yard.  I'm not sure where they go in the summer.

I am grateful to my lovely husband for being such a sweetheart!  I am also grateful that I still managed to make a collage with my phone camera.  And one more thing, I am grateful that I can still get out on my bike (wearing a mask) on a beautiful day! :-))

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