Saint Corona
My friend sent me this card last week. It gave me a chill thinking that this ancient woman named Corona was the Catholic patroness of epidemics. So I did a little googling and found the following on Wikipedia:
"Corona is associated with superstitions involving money, such as gambling and treasure hunting, a result of a later treasure hunter who credited his success to invoking her. She is called upon by a treasure hunter to bring treasure, and then sent away through a similarly elaborate ritual. In March 2020 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh suggested invoking her for support of the world economy during the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic. She was not historically a patron saint of or invoked against pandemics or disease, but has been invoked against the current pandemic. Her relics will be available for public veneration once the pandemic has passed."
Here's a link to the whole article if you're interested.
So she was not actually the patroness of epidemics until now, and became so in a sort of round about way. It's a lovely prayer, though. :-)
I am grateful for the time spent talking to and zooming with friends and family today.
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