We'll Always, be together...

Another beautiful day on planet earth. 

We were up and shot up to the Allotment first thing - pulled some leeks, checked the camera. (our next door neighbour enquired as to whether it had a fish eye lens... because he has taken to peeing in his compost bin apparently.    I'm so glad it hasnt)

Big Breakfast, and then I started working on the front garden.  Bloody hell, digging is hard work.  I finally got it sorted and then added some soil and then planted my wild flowers. 

Then i collapsed in a heap in the back garden. 

We got the Lazysofa our... heavens above that this is difficult to inflate, and even more difficult to lay on.   Boy and J Called and whilst I positioned myself on the sofa and bounced backwards, off the end onto my head on the ground :-) 

That certainly gave they a giggle; Tooli, delightfully captured it for me - See extra for me laying on the ground ;-) 

We had a lovely giggle with them, they've just finished their work and were hitting the gini - they are on Week 5 of lockdown - temperatures taken when they go to the shop... and only allowed in their apartment complex shop for essentials. 

They are bearing up remarkably well. 

as are we.   Social distancing isn't having a massive effect on us - apart from missing being able to drive down to the harbour or the south beach.  The north beach is only 500 yards down the road, so there is still a beach for me to enjoy.  

And the weather is beautiful, so the garden is joyous,

Enjoy every minute for what it's worth. 
And pop over and say  Happy Blipday to Kath  on her 4,500  Blip!

Happy Sunday Everyone

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