II'm gonna tell everyone to lighten up
I did a terrible thing last night; terrible, terrible thing - I drunk a whole bottle of red wine. I did. Shameful. Worst ever.
I woke at 6 and went to the loo - let one of the cats in, took a pill and went back to bed. I heard Si get up and let the cat back out again, and he came back to bed, and we both slept til 10.
Once up and topped up with sweet coffee, and crunchynuts, I felt more like myself, and we headed off to the Allotment - Si is now in charge of filling the water butts - so he got stuck in about that, as I weeded over a bed and then filled it with 75 of my sunflowers.
Then i weeded a second bed and filled it with 86 parsnips. Then I watered the leeks with some feed, and headed down to the other plot. Si had put in the extra peas we had, and i watered the peas and the carrots and all the potatoes. I was bloody exhausted.
Then I put 40 sunflowers in around the gate :-)
Then we went home and had toast, followed by Strawberry tarts - hand made by Si - we are soooo lucky.
Then I planted more sweet peas, and more sunflowers.
It's a year today, since my wee Nant died, and I decided that in her memory, I'm going to grown a stack of sunflowers and take them round to the Nursing Home where she spent her last months.
At her funeral I was completely unable to say thank you to the wonderful care workers who looked after her and loved her in her last few weeks - they were truly wonderful and It hurts me that I haven't been able to say thank you. I think this will be a nice way - even if i leave them at the front door.
Soak it up
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