
Today's the day ………………………. to be careful what you wish for

It's my birthday today - my 70th birthday, to be precise.

And, those that know us well, will be well aware that when it comes to celebrating big birthdays - Will and I are poles apart.  He is a social animal - he loves big parties and spending time with lots of people all at once.    Long-time readers of this journal might remember his 60th Birthday Party, which went from 11.00am until 11.00pm and to which lots of people came.

Me? - I like small, intimate gatherings.  I absolutely hate being the centre of attention.  I don't ever want to make a fuss - which is why, several months ago, I said to him, "Don't you dare organise a surprise party for my 70th!  I just want something quiet ……".  But, quite frankly, he's gone too far this time.  Here we are in 'Lockdown' when it would be just about illegal for anyone to visit - never mind party.

My present from the world is to put me officially into one of the 'at risk' categories of the pandemic.  But thankfully, my present from Will is the above original oil painting by our favourite Irish painter, Elizabeth Moorcroft.  It's called 'Solitude' - and I absolutely love it. 

In fact, I have put an extra in of how I really am today - but in my head, I identify completely with her in the painting ……………….. 

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