Monaco (NZ's version)

Saturday I blipped the Buller River, Sunday the Brook River. In keeping with the water theme today's blip is the Waimea Estuary at Monaco (a suburban area of Nelson NZ).

In Saturday's blip the people were busy in the water, in Sunday's the water itself was busy - falling. Today's blip has nothing and no-one busy. The peace of the estuary at full tide. As Rainie points out below, it's a different look at low tide - here is the same boat I blipped a while back at low tide.

I actually headed down there hoping for wading birds but I'd timed the tide wrong and I couldn't be bothered going back for them after my shopping so I just headed straight home.

Once again the heat in Murchison is considerably higher than in Nelson. When I left there it was 25C but on arrival here the temp outside my house is 39.5C. So, straight inside with my rapidly thawing frozens and every window in the house opened and every fan turned on.

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