What a beautiful world...!

It's been considerably cooler today with quite a strong breeze, but the sun soon came out and I enjoyed my run. It's now week 5 of my Zero to Hero challenge and I'm really enjoying it. I never was a zero but I'm really pleased with my progress and increased stamina. Some of that can be put down to the roads I have chosen for the run....beautiful houses and gardens to enjoy as I go along. After the run today, I went back to take some photos because the gardens are looking fantastic; trees loaded with blossom, and spring flowers in abundance. 

While out today, I met a couple out for a walk. It was obvious the man was in a world of his own. I learnt he had advanced dementia and no longer speaks. He was collecting bits and pieces as he walked along. His wife told me he had been to Oxford, got a first class degree and was a lawyer. He speaks five languages and will even now speak fluent Cantonese out of the blue. He is totally in a world of his own, happy and content. He doesn't appreciate the restrictions of this present time and so goes out several times a day, and she with him. They have been married for 54 years. She spoke so lovingly about him. 

When I got home again, D was already busy with the next bit of the kitchen deep clean. No tennis allows for time for other things!! So I joined him by clearing my mufti drawers (kitchen drawers that is!), and that took some time but is a job well done. 

Big scare this evening whilst googling something on my phone. It went into lock down and wasn't responding to anything. L O N G story, but I can breathe again now and am grateful to YouTube for its help in restoring normality. How can a smart phone so hold you in its grip? D's phone seemed to come out in sympathy and wasn't working properly either.........

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