Virtual party...

...for Big Sister's birthday! Time booked was 3pm, enough time for lunch to have gone down, and to be ready to give her a birthday toast! It was great for We 4 to see each other.  Some wore hats, others had hung banners and balloons. Hard to think of her having dinner on her own this evening but she was as cheerful as ever. She'd had family FaceTime from Tokyo, Dunbar and Bath. 

(I’ll keep the balloons up so that SweetArt can share them on Thursday when it’s her birthday!)

Our next screen time was at the crematorium to say our farewell to dear Bill. Only Ian, our pastor, and two undertakers present so a very different occasion but a very special service. Ian commented that the present situation meant so many people were absent. And even Bill,  as he was now elsewhere, with his heavenly father. There were messages from his family living in Canada, grandchildren and grandchildren. Dear Rose, prevented  by this awful virus from being at the funeral of her husband of 72 years. I took the photo in my extra at our Church dinner for our ninety year olds, nearly four years ago.  

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