Easter Day

... and an open and empty tomb. Christ is risen!

We bought this lovely wooden Easter garden on our trip to Israel, two years ago now. I have looked at the photos I took then and relived lots of amazing memories.

After an online service this morning it’s been a very quiet day...again! We’ve sat in the garden and actually got out the loungers today. A walk along some roads with beautiful houses and gardens, gave us our exercise ... though hardly because we definitely ambled along.

I got out my knitting “ like a real granny” but I’ve decided to start this bit, the left front, again. One section of pattern is definitely out of kilter!

It’s great that our PM is not only out of Intensive Care but also out of hospital. He gives huge thanks to the NHS. I hope he gets to learn how much prayer was made on his behalf too. We continue to remember the thousands of families who have been bereaved through this terrible virus.

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