
By LifeLines

Easter Sunday

A day enjoying simple pleasures - sitting together having a cup of tea, enjoying homemade watercress soup for lunch, conversation with my sister and sitting in the sunshine enjoying the garden.  

These days Andy walks Merlin the morning whilst I sort out the house, and in the afternoon I go out with Merlin whilst Andy cooks dinner.  This evening Merlin and I went up to the recreation ground on the edge of the village.  It was beautiful and so peaceful.  This picture is of the cricket ground which borders the main recreation area.  Beyond it are the rolling hills and woodlands of the South Downs which are just becoming green again.  

We wandered slowly and took it all in.  There were a few others there too. Everyone seemed to be doing the same - taking things slowly and appreciating every little bit of it.  In the cricket field I noticed white circles marked in the grass, and in them, purple orchids in full bloom - safe for now from the feet of cricketers.

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