Lockdown achieved (locally at least!)

This is the car park at Devil's Bridge. Refreshingly, you don't have to pay to leave your car here and you can simply cross the road to enjoy Jubilee field, perhaps stroll along by the river, or take a five minute walk along a footpath directly into the heart of town. 

I honestly don't remember ever seeing it completely deserted like this, let alone on a sunny Good Friday afternoon. Under normal circumstances, I'd expect the car park here to be completely full, as would be the tea rooms and pubs of the town. 

The roads, paths, and lanes are also pretty much empty. On our daily walks, Dan and I will usually encounter a dog walker or two, maybe a couple of families out walking. It seems that visitors are staying away and that people around here are doing a good job of sticking to the lockdown rules. Hats off to everyone. 

It's been two and a half weeks now but the lack of testing means it's hard to know how successful the restrictions have been. Hopefully we'll see a drop in the deaths over the next few days that might indicate that it's working. 

-10.4 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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